Lifting Equipment
Wire Rope and Rigging

Wire Rope Grip


  • EN13411-5 Type A
  • electrogalvanised finish
  • to suit diameter of wire rope


Instructions for use

The wire rope grip should be fitted to the wire rope as shown in the figures below

The bridge or saddle of the wire rope grip should always be placed on the load bearing or ‘live’ part of the rope.

The U-bolt of the grip should be placed on the tail or ‘dead‘ end of the rope.

Figure 1

Turn back enough wire rope length so that the required minimum number of grips can be installed according to the instruction below

The first clip must be placed one bridge/saddle width from the turned back tail/dead end of the rope, according to figure 1.  Tighten the nuts to specified torque

Figure 2

The following grips should be placed on the wire rope between the first and second clip in such a way that they are separated by at least 1½ times the clip-width with a maximum of 3 times the clip-width, according to figure 3

Figure 3

Apply light tension on the rope and tighten all nuts evenly, alternating until reaching the specified torque (see table below)

During assembly and before the rope is taken into service, the nuts must be tightened once again to the required torque.  After the load is applied for the first time the torque value must be checked again and corrected if neccasary.

Periodically re-tightening of the nuts must be done, eg every 3 months, 6 months or annually depending on the duty of the rope

The torque values and the minimum number of grips to be applied, in relation to the rope size are given in the table below

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